Mar 15, 2007
With: | Evan Rasmussen |
I awoke just after 6:30a and the imminently approaching sunrise.
It took me
half an hour to get breakfast and the rest of my act together before I was ready
to head out. The main dirt road had been excellent, but this side road heading
to the east side of New York had deteriorated quickly. To be fair, my van has
relatively poor clearance even for a passenger vehicle, but I think the DPS
description of it as "good dirt" was overstated. I found a place to pull over
and allow someone (God knows who it might be) else to get by, and figured I'd
worry when I got back as to how I'd turn the van around.
I started off on bike and did the first mile and a half in quick fashion. The
road wasn't that great for a bike either. I paused where the road was
washed out,
pushed it across the sand, rode it a short distance further, then ditched
it in the brush to head out on foot. My footwear was a
new pair of tennis shoes,
a change from the casual hiking boots I usually wear. I figured the warm
weather and boots might conspire to cause me blistering issues, so I went with
the lightweight alternative and they worked out quite well. Much better than
I expected actually, and after six days there was very little wear damage to
the shoes at all. And no blisters or other foot problems.
I hiked up Keystone Canyon
following the DPS route description, but missed a
turn and ended up hiking up the left-hand fork to the dry Keystone Spring. It
seemed to be only a minor issue as the desert peaks appear to have many ways
to get to their summits. I simply climbed the slopes leading SW out of Keystone
Spring and rejoined the regular route after a hike up and over a few bumps
along the adjoining
I first reached the lower New York peak to the
north after about two hours, or 9:30a. There was no register or benchmark that
I could find, but a few cairns had been erected around the summit's vicinity.
It took only another 15 minutes to climb the higher New York 2 to
the south.
The route is reported to be tricky class 3, but there was little tricky about
the route. After navigating up and around a number of large boulders
comprising the
summit rocks,
I found myself atop the highest
point of the New York Mountains.
The register showed that Evan had been on the summit two days earlier.
His note
scrawled in the little booklet suggested he had made the same wrong turn as
myself. The party before Evan was comprised of Matthew Holliman and Rick Kent
who had spent a weekend tagging a number of the same peaks Evan and I would be
doing in the next few days.
Returning via the standard route, I stopped part way down the canyon descent to
investigate some interesting green colored rocks.
I happened upon a small
mine shaft whose opening was partially
closed with rock. I could have climbed in to
investigate further, but it didn't seem a good idea out there by myself. I noted
a rusty
tin can
posted on a tree branch to mark the shaft, wondering how long
it may have been there - perhaps 30yrs or more? Continuing
I stopped at
the main mine shaft as well. There was a pool of dirty water blocking the
entrance and I did not explore it further.
Old rails,
long in disuse, ran
from the opening out for about 30 or 40 yards before ending. The rest of the
descent was uneventful as I made my way back to the road, resaddled my bike
and road back to
the van by 11:15a.
Next up was Clark Mtn. It took a bit more than an hour to navigate my way back
to Interstate 15 and on to Mountain Pass where the regular TH to Clark is
located. I found the roads to the electrical
substation easy enough and in excellent
condition. One deviance from the DPS directions was to not follow the
road alongside the telephone poles. There is a much better one a short distance
further east that any car can easily navigate. Going past the substation I took
a wrong turn and began navigating a deteriorating road that followed the
high steel towers to the west. Fortunately I only got about five minutes into
it before I realized my mistake and returned. I didn't manage to get much
further past the substation on the correct road - the last two miles of the road
isn't so good. The undercarraige was getting
hammered by rocks eonugh to make me wince, and since it was my wife's car I
couldn't bear to put it through more misery than necessary (more than once I've
returned from a trip needing to make car repairs after such roads). I
I had gotten to within about a mile and a half of the picnic area and
would simply hoof it the rest of the way.
I hadn't gotten more than five minutes up the road before I spotted another
vehicle lumbering down from the picnic area. The camper in the back of the
large truck was bobbing to and fro as the truck lurched over the rock-studded
roadway. I knew it was Evan instantly.
We greeted each other warmly, not
having seen the other since our last meal together in the back of the same
camper after our hike to Mt. Pickering the previous summer. I had forgotten
that I had arranged to meet Evan at the Clark TH at eight that morning and he
had wondered what had happened to me. Evan had already been up Clark and was
on his way back when he ran into me. Since the hike to Clark was so short,
Evan decided to hang out where I had parked the van until I returned.
I didn't find the hike up Mt. Clark all that interesting. The
picnic area seemed unusually large given the condition of the road to get there.
Half a dozen picnic tables and a large
BBQ grill
suggested at times the place
had dozens of visitors. Hard to imagine that many people heading up there
these days. I found a
use trail
behind the BBQ grill and started following it
up the wash, what I hoped was the one Evan had taken on his descent. I
only managed to keep on the trail for a very short bit, eventually losing it as
I continued up the wash to a saddle. After that, I made my way to the base of
the cliffs
high above where I knew the trail ought to resume. The hillside was
steep and painfully loose, taking most of the charm out of the hike. Frankly,
it was pretty crappy scree climbing. Once at the cliff I made my way along an
upward traverse until I could find a break in the cliff that allowed me to
climb to the short class 3
ridge above.
Up and over one false summit, and I was
at the top in about an hour and a half. On the way down I decided to take the
alternate route (Route "B" in the DPS guide), the same Evan had used for the
ascent. It proved to be even looser than the ascent route, and I was just happy
to be going down instead of up. Overall I was unimpressed with Clark, though I
have since heard that another route from
the north is far better.
In what would become a daily ritual, I had the most delightful outdoor shower
courtesy of Evan and his camper. Some soap and hot water, the desert sun, and
a fresh set of clothes proved to have remarkable rejuvenating powers. Simply
awesome - much better than a motel after yet more driving. After we got back to
Mountain Pass and I-15, we drove west to the Cima exit and then headed north on
an excellent dirt road to take us to the Kingston Range,
the next day's
objective. The road deteriorated some near the end, but I was able to drive the
van the entire length without issue. Our DPS guide said the road was paved the
whole way while the SP guide mentions a dirt road. It turned out to be
a mix
of both, pavement in the beginning, but breaking up and becoming mostly gravel
before we'd made it to the pass on the north side of the range. We found three
large parking areas instead of the one we expected, finally settling on the
middle lot as the most expediate for starting the next day. Here we had dinner,
poured over maps, and made plans. We had to wait until well after sunset for
the temperatures to drop below 80F to allow comfortable sleep. This would be
typical for the next few days.
The standard DPS route to New York is not hard to navigate.
Follow the main road up
the canyon until you have made a turn heading south. After some time you will
come to a fork where the wider canyon bends to the right, but the better road
goes straight. This road leads to Keystone Spring whereas the right fork up the
wash heads to the abandoned Keystone Mine. The road from the mine has been
partially washed out and not so obvious from the fork. Once you reach the mine
another half a mile up, the road ends. Simply follow the slopes up behind and
right of the main mine shaft. You will go up a loose slope past a few smaller
shafts with interesting green-shaded rocks, some of which are used for ducks.
When you top out at a ridge, head over to the south side (up and left from
the saddle you will find a nice camp site if you're into that sort of thing)
and traverse right (losing only a minimal amount of elevation) into the next
gully, Caruthers Canyon.
leads to the summit ridge between New York and
New York 2. The higher New York 2 is to the left or south, and is a fun, but
short bit of class 3.
For more information see these SummitPost pages: New York Mountain - Clark Mountain
This page last updated: Wed Apr 15 11:54:09 2020
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